Thursday, January 10, 2013

SP2013 & Managed MetaData

A very Happy New Year 2013 to all my friends, family and my Blog visitors!
Seems like ages since I last blogged ..  well better late than never... Here comes my first blog post for the year with a new year resolution that I will try to blog regularly. At least once a month...
In the new year 2013, my passion is to gain my hands-on expertise in SharePoint 2013.

Before moving on to SDP2013, here's  a slide deck that I prepared for metadata navigation for SP2010, so that we all have a good idea of what we are talking about below.

Now coming back to SP2013, my preference was to get started and so what is better than an online preview account.
Please visit my blog post to understand the process... Click Here
 As I did some quick tests on my online SP2013 Environment, here are some of my findings related to Managed Metadata:
New in SP2013:
Data Sheet view – Add managed metadata column data entry support


Navigation options - Managed Navigation: The navigation items can be represented using a Managed Metadata term set Both in Global as well as current navigation with the ability to edit the links.
 More to follow!


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